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Terms of Use

The terms "Lighthouse Conversations" or "us" refer to the person/company behind the course Lighthouse Conversations with Teens, Jennifer Ollis Blomqvist and NovoVia Consulting AB. The term "you" refers to the person partaking in online courses offered by NovoVia Consulting AB. When you sign up for online courses offered by NovoVia Consulting, you agree to NovoVia Consulting’s Privacy Policy, as well as the following terms of use.


Personal log in information may not be shared with others!


It is prohibited to share your log in information or passwords with anyone else. Should you choose to share your personal information, you would be violating the Terms of Use and your account will immediately be terminated from the course platform, without a refund of the course fee.


This course contains materials and information owned exclusively by NovoVia Consulting AB. This material includes, but is not limited to, the content and exercises. References are provided for material based on or containing information from other sources, authors, or research articles.


Under no circumstances will NovoVia Consulting be held responsible for any loss, damage, or problems that may arise because of the use of the course content. You, and solely you, take full responsibility for the use of the course content and are completely responsible for seeking the appropriate help to avoid serious conflicts with people in your vicinity if needed.


Updated 2021-07-02

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