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Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Education

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Are your students motivated to take responsibility for their own learning?

You can enhance your teaching toolbox with additional skills to help you increase students motivation to learn, participate actively in school, and take more responsibility for their own future.

Are you worried about a student and not sure how to help? 


Do you fear there may be a problem at home, involving drinking, drugs, self-harm or even risk of suicide?

Immediate help, independent of the traditional system, is designed to prevent such problems from escalating.

Would you like to prevent work-related stress which could lead to burnout?

Try a new way to address and prevent work-related stress, frustration, and burnout for all involved.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a proven tool

ā€‹In my over 20 years of experience teaching and using MI in organizations, I have seen unbelievable successes, and you can see them too in your school system. My services help you find your own respectful way of communicating with students where they are in their learning process. MI will aid you in helping students discover and enable their inner resources to successfully make changes in their lives.

Motiverande samtal (MI) som hjƤlpmedel till lƤrare i sitt arbete med elever
LƤrare som hjƤlper en elev

MI for Professionals in Education


As in other helping professions, professionals working in the education system are compassionate and empathetic people. They want to help children and teens reach their aspirations and goals and make a difference for those facing life-changing issues.


As an MI-trainer and coach for over 20 years, I witness the consequences of society’s increasing demands on an already challenged school system.


  • The immense workload and crushing responsibility that school staff struggle with daily.

  • Teachers, in-school health professionals and counsellors are feeling overworked, stressed, frustrated, and sometimes even inadequate.

  • School staff continue to push themselves and put the needs of their students first, often risking their own mental health.

  • Front-line school staff watch with frustration as students’ and parents’ mental health and well-being suffer before them. Symptoms seen are increased incidences of teen drinking, drug use, and even suicide attempts.



Complimentary Workshop for Educators

NovoVia is offering a complimentary workshop to give a Taste of MI for professionals working in schools. 

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Helping You Overcome Challenges


Helping people is hard work. I know because I’ve been there. My previous position as a Program Leader in the Prison and Probation Service in Sweden has given me vast experience counselling people struggling with low motivation for change. And it wasn’t until I was introduced to MI that I started to both help my clients achieve their life goals and reduce my own work-related stress level.


Here are three essential lessons that I learned and would like to share with you.



Workshops, Training, and Coaching Designed Specifically for You

NovoVia Consulting is an educational center that offers workshops, training, and coaching in MI for teachers, counsellors, healthcare professionals, principles, and administrators in the school system. My services are tailored to each school’s environment and each participant’s learning needs. All my training and coaching services embody MI’s spirit and communication style by including reflective and empathic listening and practicing various conversational techniques for effective communication. I bring MI to life with relatable training, coaching, and real-world examples.


My purpose is to encourage and support you in your journey to:

  • ā€‹Apply MI in your daily contacts with students, parents, and other professionals.

  • Highlight your strengths in conversations.

  • Further develop your MI skills in a creative, fun, and meaningful way. 


You benefit from my MI services by attaining evidence-based conversational techniques to:

  • Increase student motivation and solve problems.

  • Enable effective learning and change.

  • Expand your teaching capabilities with MI skills to address the mental well-being of students, parents, colleagues, and yourself.


My services are designed to help you overcome the challenges in your demanding role with tools to help you communicate constructively with students, parents, and other professionals.


Learn more

LƤrare med elever motiverande samtal (MI)
Barn eller tonƄring som Ƥr i behov av samtalskontakt med en professionell


When a student or family member needs immediate help


Have you noticed a teen or family member that needs help and support to reach a positive change?


I know from experience that professionals within the school system face challenges that aren’t related to student learning, but that nevertheless affect their schooling. This could be when a student is struggling with their mental health, attendance, relationships, or addiction, for example. I offer a personalized alternative to the traditional social system, in the form of motivational sessions, that encourage positive outcomes and change. When working together, we can prevent these challenges from escalating and becoming long term problems.ā€‹


Check out Lighthouse Conversations for more information and immediate help.


“There are no quick fixes without effective strategies for long-term and sustainable results. MI provides you with strategies and a positive mindset that will help you in your own life and relationships with others, and when acting in your helping profession. Jennifer finds the appropriate things to explore and work with to simplify your interactions with students. Jennifer’s respectful way of treating others, listening skills, and ability to really see individuals are her strengths, and qualities that you take with you, regardless of communicating privately or professionally.”


- Josefine, Teacher and mother to two young adults

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I look forward to connecting with you, and collaborating using the spirit of MI.  I respect your time and only send valuable information and news directly to your inbox.

Besƶksadress: MellbyvƤgen 33, Partille

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